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Second Reading Bookstores in Chester County

Susan Mangigian

I am a Realtor® by profession, a mom by choice, a friend by desire, an Italian by heritage, an American by sheer luck and providence, a sister, a dau...

I am a Realtor® by profession, a mom by choice, a friend by desire, an Italian by heritage, an American by sheer luck and providence, a sister, a dau...

Feb 6 3 minutes read

I'm an avid reader and over the years, I've collected quite a library of books, both hardback and paperback.  I'm getting to the point in my life where I am de-cluttering and as hard as it is to separate my books from me, it was time.  A friend bought me a fascinating book called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and for books it said to gather them all together, take each book in hand, one by one, and decide which you want to keep based on whether or not it sparks joy.

Now, I'm very sentimental so I didn't exactly gather them, but I did take each book in hand. There were many that were very loved but that I knew I would not read again.  There were some that I hadn't read and they too went into the giveaway pile.  As much as I like the feel and smell of a good book, I like to read on the elliptical machine at the gym and it's much easier to read on a kindle.  The book says that any book you haven't read you can always download onto your kindle.  

I kept all of my favorite authors in hardback, some even in paperback and I kept some of the classic old books I inherited from various sellers as they were moving.   I kept the books I shared the most with my mom, and the authors are really too many to mention.  I am not quite done but, I did end up with a huge pile of books.  There is still another bookcase to do when I have time.

Enter another friend who was at one time my state representative and someone who always knows someone or something and so I asked Barb where I could best donate my books.  She recommended The Second Reading Bookstore!   If you haven't been there, you really have to stop by.  They have two locations, Second Reading I Book Store at 530 E. Union Street in West Chester and Second Reading II Book Store at 939 South High Street, West Chester in the Parkway shopping center.  Click on the street addresses to bring up the websites.

It's a real book store and you'll love all of the choices.  The best part of this is that it benefits the West Chester Area Senior Center.

Donations are accepted on certain days so please do visit the websites to find out more.  

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